1. Snow White - Name your favorite classic
Easy. I choose The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I love this novel because the imagery in his novel is phenomenally done and almost everything is some form of a symbol. I really didn't expect to like it but it was a required book in 11th grade and I'm so glad I read it.
2. Cinderella- Name a book that kept you reading well past your bedtime

Lexicon by Max Berry. It's set in a world where coercion is a science of language and the people who master this science are known as "Poets". We follow the lives of Emily Ruff, who has been brought to this school, and a seemingly innocent man named Wil Jamieson who is the key to a war among Poets. It's absolutely amazing and I just had to find out the end.
3. Aurora- Name your favorite classic romance

Erm... Romance... I don't read a lot of romance. I'm going to bend the rules a little here and go for a modern romance instead of a classic: A Good Woman by Danielle Steele.
4. Ariel- Name a book about that's about making sacrifices and fighting for your dreams

5. Belle - Name a book with a smart and independent female character

Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind. Plain and simple. Scarlett seems like the original "smart and independent" female character.
6. Jasmine- Name a book with a character who challenged the social conventions of his or her world

Anne of Windy Poplars, the fourth book in the Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery. I love this series, probably my second favorite series, and I love Anne. She didn't do anything outwardly "challenging" but she was different from most teachers.
7. Pocahontas- Name a book whose ending was a roller-coaster of emotions

The ending of Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick sent me on a trip around the world. Roller- coaster isn't even a proper description, maybe more like being on the speedway and losing control. Totally pulled at my heart.
8. Mulan - Name a book with a kick-ass female character

9. Tiana - Name a book featuring a hardworking, self-made character

I'm currently reading Eric C. Leuthardt's RedDevil 4. I wouldn't say that the main character, Dr. Hagan Maerici, is self- made but I would call him extremely hardworking. A workaholic by most standards. It's good so far and I can't wait to finish.
10. Rapunzel- Name a book that features an artist

I hope the intention with artist is something involving some form of creative art. Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour features Emi who is a set designer and a film buff. It's a great novel with a great writing style and even better plot. You can read my review here.
11. Merida - Name a book that features a mother-daughter relationship

Ruta Sepetys' novel Between Shades of Grey. The mother- daughter relationship here is a bit odd but the reasoning makes complete sense. I know it seems like everyone is talking about this book (thank you BookTube) but it really is a great novel especially if you like historical fiction.
12. Anna and Elsa - Name a book that features a great relationship between siblings

Any of the books from the 39 Clues series. This is definitely more of a middle- grade book but it's fun and a light, easy breezy read. And the mystery of it all is quite interesting.
Ooo, this looks fun! *sigh* Celaena Sardothien... Of all the YA women out there. Awesome tag though! I'm definitely doing this.