Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The Best of School

Today's post is nothing close to what I actually wanted to have today. I had intended to have my review of The Plague up by Monday but I was super busy calling around for internships, finalizing some stuff, and writing an essay about my internship (which took so much longer than I had anticipated) and yesterday, I had soccer practice and no time- thank you traffic. Thus, I have a completely different post from the intended.

My friend Shouni over at Through the Book Portal found a really cool daily writing prompts over at NaBloPoMo Writing Topics and I decided to answer one of them. Without further ado, let's hop to it!

Friday, September 11, 2015: Tell us about your best day of school ever.

I've had tons of really great days at school mostly because I preferred school to being at home. But the best day ever was in third grade with one of my favorite teachers, Ms. Jimmie Jones. She was about 70, had beautiful white hair, and was slightly wrinkly but it was obvious that age had been kind to her. Anyway, I can't remember how long we'd been in school but she had brought in this tiny cooler filled with ice and told us not to touch it. About midway through the day she had us move to the back table where she opened the cooler and inside was this tightly saran- wrapped object which she unraveled. This unwrapped thing looked like a bloody, slimy piece of bright red meat.

She gave us all scalpels and told us to put gloves on. Then we got to dissect this bright red piece of meat. It was a tough piece of meat, slightly bloody on the inside, and almost stringy. It was so awesome!! And then she told us that we had just dissected a pig's liver.


  1. Wait, what?! Your third grade teacher told you to dissect a pig's liver? And you liked it? ... I don't know what to think anymore

    1. Yup! She had us dissect a pig's liver. Truthfully it's what got me interested in science to begin with. I don't think I would have ever considered going into medicine prior to this.
      We dissected a pig's heart and a chicken's heart the same year too. It was muy chévere.
